Yep, it’s my first substack post (I’m not going to call them emails)
I’ve had this account for a while but just now on Twitter I saw that the lights are (maybe) being turned out, and some pundits are saying they don’t think it will ‘last the weekend’. Okay then.
Why now?
I was making all sorts of proclamations over on Twitter; that I would stay until the end (I will); that I won’t set up Mastodon (I won’t). But what I haven’t said over there is that I do want to continue some of the community that I’ve become part of, but I’m just not that person to say ‘hey, I’m on substack! Find me there!’ But maybe I will. I don’t know yet.
What do I want from this space?
I don’t know yet. As a writer it will be about my processes and my responses to other books, my books, ideas, process. But the larger world, and what’s going on. What the hell is going on.
Will there be swearing?
Oh yeah. Probably.
Will there be book reviews?
Will I offer writing courses?
Maybe. It’s something I’ve thought about quite a bit. I’m a teacher of other things and have taught writing. So maybe I will. Let’s see.
Will I bitch about things?
Probably, knowing me.
Will this be a safe space for people to come and do their ‘free speech’?
Not if your version of free speech is bigoted and harmful to others. Nope. No way. Fuck off.
Will it be funny to be here, like will there be memes?
Definitely. If I come across good ones, but where will they hide? Twitter is where I come across the good stuff it seems.
Will it be often? How frequently will there be posts?
Look, about this. I can’t promise anything. At the moment, for example, I’m meant to be doing a work task and here I am writing this. So it’ll be sporadic. I guess it depends on how much I enjoy it. I know, you have to ‘post regularly’ and ‘build trust’ and ‘be consistent’ and ‘deliver’. But this is for me, not you. Sorry.
Will it always be free?
Who knows, but it’s free for now. I’m not offering much so can’t take your money.
The image is funny. This is my bed office and on the screen is a pic of someone in bed with a cat… I don’t let mine IN the bed.
Thanks for reading this far. I’d love it if you could hit the button below, and come on the adventure with me. Because: why not? What have you got to lose? That’s right. Nothing. Nothing at all.